To the excitement of all the Indian Premier League fans, Olymp Trade has launched the Trading Premier League, or the $1 million TPL 2022 tournament.
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To the excitement of all the Indian Premier League fans, Olymp Trade has launched the Trading Premier League, or the $1 million TPL 2022 tournament.
To make that excitement even greater, Olymp Trade has created an NFT collection dedicated to the event!
Available at Opensea, this TPL NFT collection is the first of its kind. It opens a whole new dimension of digital-asset experiences available now to everyone who trades with Olymp Trade.
Are you asking, “What should I do with that NFT?” Well, what do you do with anything that is so impressive and beautiful that everyone who sees it in your possession rushes to get it? Have it, enjoy it, and boast about it to your friends while celebrating the Premier League scores and translating that joy into Olymp Trade’s Trading Premier League!
It’s just the beginning of the story. Olymp Trade will surely surprise you with more astounding announcements ahead!
TPL NFT collectionNFT stands for non-fungible token. NFTs are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated.